Sardinia, in addition to the beauty of its territory, is a land with great traditions that have their roots in millennia of history, observable in every corner of our land.
Nuraghe Serbissi
Just 20 km from the hotel, it is possible to visit the “nuraghi” and archaeological sites with unusual names (Scerì, Selene, Troculu), remains and memories of the ancient civilization of the nuraghi people (1800-500 BC).
The Sardinian bronzes
Typical sculptures of the ancient Nuragic civilization that dominated Sardinia for a long time. The Diocesan Museum of Ogliastra located in the village of Lanusei, hosts an interesting archaeological gallery.
Domus de Janas
Burial structures carved into the rock and with varied shapes. They are typical burials of the Mediterranean area and in particularly of Sardinia. The neighboring village of Lotzorai, as an important archaeological site.
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